Golf League
The IHM Men’s Golf League was established in 2004 and consisted of 28 men. The golf league has gone through some changes over the years and is currently made-up of 64 men, parishioners and non-parishioners. The league has seven men who have participated for all 10 seasons. The league was established to develop a social network and fellowship among the men participating in the league. The league plays its matches on Tuesday evenings at Mill Creek Golf Course in Boardman. The IHM league is the largest evening league at Mill Creek Golf Course. The season begins in early May and runs through the second week of September. The season consists of 16 weeks of regular season play and 3 weeks of play-offs with each team member competing for that coveted Green Jacket.
****Check back for a link to the new Golf League website where weekly results and line-up information will be posted!!!
CLICK HERE to inquire about the Golf League.