How do initiated Catholics show that they belong???
Read the captions above each set of pics below as you scroll through the gallery.
It's not hard to tell which one of these belongs to a football team...
It's not hard to tell which one of these belongs in a hospital as an employee...
It's not hard to tell which one belongs on the police force...
But, it is hard to tell which one of these belongs to a church...
Take turns reading each paragraph below out loud:
Sometimes you wear a uniform to show that you belong to an organization. The Bible tells us that members of the church are "clothed with Christ." What does that mean???
It means that you don't wear your faith the same way you wear a uniform. The mark of faith starts with the waters of Baptism and the oil of Confirmation. The priest and bishop put it on you as a sign that you belong to the church, but the water and the oil are absorbed into your skin. Unlike a uniform, you can't take it off and no one can see it!
We generally don't walk around with uniforms with big IHM letters on the front and "I Am Catholic" on the back. We are marked invisibly. The challenge for us as members of the church is to show people with our words and actions, not with our clothes, that we are members!
Think about the things you say and do each day. Think about the good things you say and do. Those are the things that show people you are an initiated Catholic and that you belong to our church.
Parents, tell your teen the things you've seen him/her do that show you he/she is a church member.
Sometimes you wear a uniform to show that you belong to an organization. The Bible tells us that members of the church are "clothed with Christ." What does that mean???
It means that you don't wear your faith the same way you wear a uniform. The mark of faith starts with the waters of Baptism and the oil of Confirmation. The priest and bishop put it on you as a sign that you belong to the church, but the water and the oil are absorbed into your skin. Unlike a uniform, you can't take it off and no one can see it!
We generally don't walk around with uniforms with big IHM letters on the front and "I Am Catholic" on the back. We are marked invisibly. The challenge for us as members of the church is to show people with our words and actions, not with our clothes, that we are members!
Think about the things you say and do each day. Think about the good things you say and do. Those are the things that show people you are an initiated Catholic and that you belong to our church.
Parents, tell your teen the things you've seen him/her do that show you he/she is a church member.