The Seven-Fold Gift of the Holy Spirit
We traditionally identify seven gifts of the Holy Spirit based upon a passage from the Bible (Isaiah 11:1-2). Obviously there are more than seven gifts, but seven is a symbolic number. Whenever you see the number seven in the Bible it means something like fullness or completeness. When Jesus said to forgive someone 7 x 70 times, he really meant that there is no limit to the number of times we should offer forgiveness.
So, these seven gifts are a symbolic list representing all the gifts we receive from God. They are special gifts that help point us to what is most important in life... building good relationships. The bishop will pray that you receive all seven of these gifts when he confirms you. Keep in mind that all seven are given to you, not just one or two of them. The important question is will you accept them and use them.
Here are the gifts and a few thoughts to help you understand them:
1. Wisdom
The wise person has the ability to penetrate the mind of God and see as God sees.
2. Understanding
The understanding person can detect the presence of God in daily activities.
3. Right Judgment
The person with right judgment confidently knows the difference between right and wrong.
4. Courage
The courageous person is not afraid to do what is right.
5. Knowledge
The person with knowledge possesses a deep awareness of the basic characteristics of loving relationships.
6. Reverence
The reverent person loves, trusts and obeys God the way a young child loves, trusts and obeys a parent.
7. Wonder & Awe in God’s presence (also known as the Fear of the Lord)
The person who is filled with wonder and awe marvels at the greatness of God’s creation and appreciates the deep mystery of God. Wonder and awe inspires religious worship and is the foundation of the other six gifts.
So, these seven gifts are a symbolic list representing all the gifts we receive from God. They are special gifts that help point us to what is most important in life... building good relationships. The bishop will pray that you receive all seven of these gifts when he confirms you. Keep in mind that all seven are given to you, not just one or two of them. The important question is will you accept them and use them.
Here are the gifts and a few thoughts to help you understand them:
1. Wisdom
The wise person has the ability to penetrate the mind of God and see as God sees.
2. Understanding
The understanding person can detect the presence of God in daily activities.
3. Right Judgment
The person with right judgment confidently knows the difference between right and wrong.
4. Courage
The courageous person is not afraid to do what is right.
5. Knowledge
The person with knowledge possesses a deep awareness of the basic characteristics of loving relationships.
6. Reverence
The reverent person loves, trusts and obeys God the way a young child loves, trusts and obeys a parent.
7. Wonder & Awe in God’s presence (also known as the Fear of the Lord)
The person who is filled with wonder and awe marvels at the greatness of God’s creation and appreciates the deep mystery of God. Wonder and awe inspires religious worship and is the foundation of the other six gifts.
Putting the Seven Gifts Into Practice
This video is based upon a true and tragic story. Think about how the Holy Spirit is present during the scenes in this video. Remember that God is always present, but we are free to ignore what God is trying to say to us or give us through the Holy Spirit. Try to notice how sometimes the teens are listening to the Holy Spirit and sometimes they are not. Also think about how one or more of the gifts of the Holy Spirit could have helped prevent the tragedy you will see in this video.
One of the earliest signs that a teen dating relationship will be abusive is jealousy. Abusers try to isolate their victims from friends and family by manipulating them with jealousy and trying to make it look like an expression of love. They might say, for example, "If you really love me, you wouldn't talk to her." The Holy Spirit gives us good people in our lives who can help us distinguish between a healthy relationship and an abusive relationship. Talk about what you think are healthy ways for guys and girls to relate in middle school and high school.