Confirmation for Adults
We will joyfully help you to prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation as an adult. The preparation process varies based on your needs and experiences.
Please contact the rectory (330-793-9988) for more information if:
IF YOU ARE BAPTIZED CATHOLIC, and are now a practicing Catholic adult, but you were never Confirmed;
IF YOU ARE BAPTIZED CATHOLIC, and have not been practicing your faith but would like to;
IF YOU ARE BAPTIZED IN ANOTHER CHRISTIAN TRADITION, and are interested in becoming Catholic.
Please contact the rectory (330-793-9988) for more information if:
IF YOU ARE BAPTIZED CATHOLIC, and are now a practicing Catholic adult, but you were never Confirmed;
IF YOU ARE BAPTIZED CATHOLIC, and have not been practicing your faith but would like to;
IF YOU ARE BAPTIZED IN ANOTHER CHRISTIAN TRADITION, and are interested in becoming Catholic.